The season begins to change in September in Prague, Czech Republic, with average highs dropping by 10 °F, reaching 18°C (that’s about 64°F) during the day.
September evenings in Prague are still seasonably cool, with night-time temperature averages of 10°C (about 50°F).
The month of September in Prague is one of the driest months of the year; however, although the number of rainy days is lower, precipitation downpours are still above average. Umbrellas are recommended for your sightseeing trips.
Prague Average Temperature: 14°C
Average Minimum Temperatures: 10°C
Average Maximum Temperature: 18°C
Average Precipitation/Rainfall: 36 mm
Wet Days (>0.1 mm): 10
Average Sunshine Hours/Day: 6.4
Average Number of Days with Frost: 0