August is one of the warmer months of the year in Prague, Czech Republic, with temperatures reaching average highs of 22°C (that’s about 72°F) during the day.
August evenings in Prague are mild, with night-time temperature averages of 13°C (about 55°F). A light jacket will suffice at night-time. Bring an umbrella just in case there’s a quick downpour.
The month of August in Prague is one of the wettest months of the calendar year in terms of rainfall. Umbrellas are recommended for your sightseeing excursions.
Prague Average Temperature: 17°C
Average Minimum Temperatures: 13°C
Average Maximum Temperature: 22°C
Average Precipitation/Rainfall: 66 mm
Wet Days (>0.1 mm): 13
Average Sunshine Hours/Day: 7.9
Average Number of Days with Frost: 0